Community Voice Mail

The Community Voice Mail program annually helps over 2,000 people across Canada.
About Us
The Community Voice Mail program provides local phone numbers with voicemail boxes to people who are experiencing homelessness, giving them the tools they need to connect to jobs, housing, social services and their families. First launched in 2010 in Vancouver, the program was made possible with CISCO’s donation of over $500,000 in technology and expertise to help vulnerable people stay connected.
We provide 1,700 free phone numbers to over 120 service providers of housing, employment, healthcare and social services in Vancouver, North Vancouver, Surrey, Whalley, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, New Westminster, Port moody and Langley. The Community Voice Mail program annually helps over 2,000 people across Canada.
Service Providers
Lu’ma has been an advocate for housing and homelessness for over 30 years. We are proud to provide Community Voice Mail to over 120 non-profit service providers and government agencies who work to alleviate homelessness in the Greater Vancouver Area.
If you would like to sign up for the Community Voice Mail program, please find a partner service provider below:
Community Voice Mail Features
Broadcast Messaging
Sends messages to all Community Voice Mail users in the region about job opportunities, health screenings, shelter availability and homelessness services.
Instant Replies
With single-key press, clients can instantly reply to their case managers after receiving a broadcast message that interests them.
Usage Reporting
Participating service providers can monitor their clients’ usage patterns via reports.
Phone Reset
When one client has achieved their goals, case managers reset the number to provide the opportunity for someone new.
Live Tech Support
The Community Voice Mail office employs a team of technicians to maintain the system and respond to technical problems.

To date over 6,000 people have used Community Voice Mail to move from homelessness into housing and over 60 have found employment.

Imagine the Benefits!
“It’s a fantastic service! It’s a lifesaver for me and my granddaughter. We can get our messages...especially important medical ones. Hope it keeps going.”
— Lorraine, Community Voice Mail Vancouver client
“Community Voice Mail has been incredibly useful for me. It has given me a chance to be able to communicate with people while I haven’t been able to purchase a cell phone or have any other method of communicating. Because I’m on a fixed income — or low income — and I’m actually homeless — the fact that I have Community Voice Mail appears to other people that I am situated and stable. And it allows me to get jobs and stuff like that. I think it’s really important.”
— Lorraine, Community Voice Mail Vancouver client
“Community Voice Mail is an excellent service for me. I’m homeless and people can leave me messages. I can find work now and my family can reach me. I really appreciate it.”
— Terry, Community Voice Mail Vancouver client
“Community Voice Mail has been very helpful to me because I have no phone and no money to get one. I use it to stay connected with my support group, my sponsor, my mother, my family, my girlfriend and life in general. Thank you!”
— Ron, Community Voice Mail Vancouver client
“Community Voice Mail helps me a lot. I live in a shelter and don’t want employers to know that. I have been in Vancouver for two weeks and already got two jobs because of you guys!”
— Marcus, Community Voice Mail Vancouver client
Contact Us
Community Voice Mail
2960 Nanaimo St, Vancouver, BC, V5N 5G3
If your organization would like to participate in the Community Voice Mail program, please contact:
Colin Sanderson
(604) 876-0811